name: David Nix
email: wfddavid@yahoo/com
comment: I had went to work and had no idea what had happened
until I got home around 11:00am. After I turned on the TV and watched it for myself it hit me that everything is going to
change. My son had just entered the Navy in August. I was worried for him. Later on when I saw the video of the firefighters
entering the towers and were getting their assignments I could tell they knew it was a bad thing. But they went up anyway.
Wow! what heroes those men and women were.
name: Jesse Jamesemail: outlaw74578@yahoo.comcomment: I was in bed sleeping when David Nix called me and asked if I was watching CNN News. I turned the television
on and started watching it. I was in shock to see what some human beings could do to other human beings. I will never forget that day. I respect
the men and women who gave their lives so others could live. They were all true heroes.